Thursday, 14 June 2012

The film was made. I've seen the rushes and virtually every shot came off. The scenes seem suffused with light, the camera dancing with Arthur, out star, following him, shadowing, reading him. It is a duet between the observed and observer. Sometimes the lines are literally, as well as figuratively blurred, and Arthur seems to engage the camera, become its confederate. His face is astonishing: open and wide eyed with a perma pouting bottom lip and a huge acorn-cup of hair. The camera loves him. He is a gift and deserves one in return. We'll pay him in Wii games. We shot everything on a tight shots list in two days. On occasion we were ahead of schedule! I actually do think we have a film: a short, sweet, good-looking film. It is exciting.


  1. Acorn cup! I like that! Better than Lego hair. He really enjoyed it. Thanks.

  2. He looks amazing. Cant wait to show you the finished article though I'm afraid it may be some time yet. A lot of work to do in "post".Whatever that means. I shall try to get Arthur his fee soon. It's in my house but I'm hiding from the rain. Let me know if its enough stuff.

  3. that's "our" star not an "out" star. I'm not implying anything.
