Tuesday 28 June 2011

Well the doctor has been and gone, a nice man called Millar. He prodded Kelly and asked a few questions and ...well...what? He asked about her belly, suggested a number of things; she might have a virus, it could be an ongoing problem with her liver or it could be her new medication or any combination of her old medications. He didn't seem to know and didn't seem to think that at this stage it was all that worrying. That was the case with the oncologist and the other doctors at the hospital as well - while they were concerned and interested and they phoned and kept in contact none of them seem to think that there was anything much to worry about! At least at this stage. It's oddly heartening. I know it's not normal for somebody to sleep 18 hours out of twenty four but their unflappability has convinced me that its not too bad either, however counter intuitively. I may even sleep tonight.

Am I misreading the enviable sang froid of the medical profession or are Kelly's doctor's all socio-paths? And is socio-path really hyphenated as spell-check suggests?


  1. Oh and thanks to everyone for all your kind words - I really appreciate it.

  2. I feel a bit intrusive commenting - but hey, thinking of you guys.

  3. Hey Ms. Sparkle you're about the only one who can work out to do it! Thanks.

  4. well, unless everyone you know has been phoning/emailing, I got stunned into commenting by yer sarcasm in comment number 1. rooting for things to be, well obviously not alright, but as easy and as comfortable and as positive as they can be for you guys.

  5. Ha, no, people have been commenting separately and I am reasonably convinced that people ARE reading this thing it's just that apparently Blogger has made it so the finest minds of their generation* can't work out how to leave comments! Though I appreciate that it did look epically sarcastic in isolation!

    *about two generations ago.
